Sign our open letter to let school leaders know families need afterschool and summer learning programs.

Ask your principal to partner with an afterschool program

Below is a sample email you can send to your child’s principal to request that your school partner with afterschool programs. You may use the template below or change the language to explain why afterschool matters to your family.

Principal [NAME],

Thank you for your hard work supporting our children and school community during these past few years. As we all look for ways to help our kids make up for academic and social-emotional pandemic losses, I wanted to ask you to continue to connect with afterschool programs.

As a [mom/dad/other], afterschool programs have been and continue to be a lifeline, keeping [my child] safe while I am at work, and helping my child learn and grow.

As a partner, afterschool programs can offer academic support to help kids catch up, provide staff who are focused on helping kids heal and reconnect, and keep our kids safe while parents work.

Please, let’s involve afterschool partners and let them be part of the solution.
